Thursday, October 25, 2012

Question of the Day

A lot of states, including Florida, have early voting.  It starts on Saturday here in the Sunshine State.  A lot of people take advantage of it while others wait until Election Day.

When do you vote?  Early or on Election Day?

In 2008, I voted early.  I’ll probably do it this year, too, because the Florida ballot is very long.  I’ll take along a good book.

12 barks and woofs on “Question of the Day

  1. There’s something about going to the polls on election day itself that makes me feel more a part of the process. However, with Governor Martinez’s efforts to purge the voter roles, I’m early voting this Saturday…and bringing my voter registration card, a printout from the County Clerks website showing I’m registered, and a form letter from the same office showing I’m currently registered, and heaven help anyone who tries to stop me.

  2. I vote on Election Day. It’s such a pleasure to join others in line for this important, basic element of democracy. I get an endorphin rush after voting.

  3. Washington state is 100% by mail. Ours went into the hands of a postal clerk yesterday.

    There is nothing quite as nice as marking the ballot sitting calmly at the kitchen island, pouring over the official voter’s guide, discussing the down-ballot races and initiatives, sealing up that envelope and signing it. Calm, reasoned, thoughtful. Like it should be.

  4. I will be voting on election day. It just seems right. Of course I will bring with me my “cheat sheet” having read over the the 11 page ballot and making my choices before going to the polls.

  5. I voted 10/22 at the BISD. I figure that if I get out of the way early, it leaves more room on election day. I remember how they were lined up in Ohio until after midnight in some places. So if I go early it leaves one empty spot for someone to fill who won’t get frustrated and go home instead of voting. And the president and all his down ballot Democrats got my vote. Here in Texas to cast a straight part ticket I have to circle Democratic Party only and that was that.

  6. I am going to the polls, I feel like I should participate in the whole deal, although I have voted absentee sometimes in the past.

    • In WA, many of us (for example me) have been by mail for at least six years or so, but this is the first election were the state is 100% by mail. We all should be. No need for voter id laws here…

      • I’ve got one issue with the “100% by mail” voting, and that’s the family pressure. If you’re a woman married to an overbearing creep, you can pretend to agree, and then go do what you want at the polls. But if you’re in that situation and he demands to see your ballot before you mail it, or worse, marks it himself and hands it to you to sign?

  7. Aside from when I was stationed overseas, I’ve always voted on election day. Per the other comments, there is no other act that feels like I’m participating in a democracy.

  8. I vote as soon as I can get to the poll; sometimes that is early and sometimes I just barely make it on election day. I’ve a brother who waits for election day. Like some who’ve commented, he enjoys the DAY and all that goes with it.

    The vote by mail sounds really good! Taking my time over a cup of coffee and carefully looking at the down ticket candidates sounds like the way to go. I should think the vote by mail would be wonderful for people with young children, folks with physical or transportation problems, or older people who just can’t tolerate standing in line because their **!!@ knees hurt! 🙂

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