Friday, January 25, 2013

Annals of Asshattery

A couple of interesting entries in this vast collection, both touching on reproductive rights:

First we head out to the Land of Enchantment:

Should a recently introduced bill in New Mexico become law, rape victims will be required to carry their pregnancies to term during their sexual assault trials or face charges of “tampering with evidence.” Under HB 206, if a woman ended her pregnancy after being raped, both she and her doctor would be charged with a felony punishable by up to 3 years in state prison.

Fortunately, this bill hasn’t much of a chance of becoming law because the New Mexico legislature is dominated by Democrats and other people who are not unhinged in their view of the law and women.

In Colorado, a Catholic hospital management company is arguing that one of their facilities is not guilty of wrongful death because a fetus is not a person.

A major Catholic health provider has successfully dismantled a wrongful death lawsuit brought against it by arguing — in defiance of its own long-held doctrine — that a dead fetus is not the same as a dead person.

The case involves the 2006 death of 31-year-old Lori Stodghill, a woman seven months pregnant with twin boys, who was brought in to the emergency room at St. Thomas More Hospital in Cañon City, Colorado, on New Year’s Day.


CHI claims to follow the tenets of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care [PDF], which clearly state that “The Church’s defense of life encompasses the unborn.”

But when push came to shove, CHI abandoned their beliefs in order to win a malpractice lawsuit.

CHI’s lawyer, Jason Langley, successfully convinced both the Fremont County District Court and the Colorado Court of Appeals to throw out Jeremy’s lawsuit on the basis that CHI can not be sued for the wrongful death of a fetus, because it is not a person.

So every sperm is sacred and fertilized eggs are entitled to all the rights of personhood… unless there’s a lawsuit to be won.  How convenient.

2 barks and woofs on “Annals of Asshattery

  1. What’s their reasoning? That it’s necessary to do a paternity test after the baby is born? As long as investigators get a good DNA sample from the woman’s privates, there’s no conceivable reason to do this. And what if she doesn’t get pregnant? Does the guy go free for lack of evidence?

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