Thursday, January 10, 2013

Hot Hot Hot

It may be winter in the Northern Hemisphere, but that makes it summer in the Southern, and in Australia that they’re adding new colors to their weather chart to indicate just how hot it is there.

As a record-breaking heatwave hovers over many regions and territories (which are in their summer months now), the continent’s Bureau of Meteorology has added two new colors to the weather map to reflect the rising mercury.

The map currently shows the weather in orange tones at the top, which indicate temperatures 40 to 48 degrees Celsius. But forecasts are predicting off-the-charts weather. As a result, pink and purple will now cover temperatures over 50 degrees Celsius — should it climb that high.

For those rusty on the temperature conversion, that is a sweat-inducing 122 degrees Fahrenheit.

But Al Gore is fat, so there.

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