Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Do You Know The Way To Santa Fe?

David Coss, the mayor of Santa Fe, New Mexico, says there’s nothing in the laws of the state that prohibit marriage equality.

New MexicoCoss and Councilor Patti Bushee plan to introduce a City Council resolution on March 27 “recognizing” that same-sex marriage is legal in New Mexico. They have a legal memo in which City Attorney Geno Zamara says same-sex marriage is permitted in New Mexico. Zamora says that’s partly so because New Mexico law defining marriage is gender-neutral and lacks any prohibition on same-sex marriage. Zamora also says same-sex marriage is legal because the state already recognizes same-marriages from other states and the New Mexico Constitution requires equal treatment on the basis of sex.

I know a couple of great places in Santa Fe where you can have a reception.

Via JMG.