Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Dropping Fast

Via Kyle Munzenrieder at the Miami New Times Riptide:

Just last year Marco Rubio was dubbed the “Republican Savior.” Now he’s getting booed by the Tea Partiers who first helped him come to power, and that fall is reflected in several new national polls.

Over at Five Thirty Eight, Micah Cohen analyzes Rubio’s latest numbers. It’s not a pretty picture, but it might not yet spell doom for Rubio’s potential future.

“In the four national surveys conducted in January, an average of 20 percent of Republicans said they would support Mr. Rubio for the party’s nomination in 2016,” writes Cohen. “That number dropped to an average of 11 percent in the four primary polls conducted in June.”What’s to blame? Likely Rubio’s high profile part in the Senate’s recently passed immigration reform bill. While his bill was far from liberal-approved, it was also moderate enough to draw the ire of many conservative Republicans.

So far only two national polls have gauged Rubio’s national favorability rate since the immigration debate, but both show deep drops among Republicans. In an ABC Poll in August he had a net favorability among Republican of 43 points. It’s down to 25 points in June, a drop of 18 points. Rasmussen polls also showed a drop of 16 points between May and June.

It’s not really unexpected.  Politics is not much different than show business, and what’s hot one week is old the next.  The trick is to know when to hit it and stick it, and at this point in the 2016 race, Mr. Rubio hit it about three years too early.

I have no doubt that he will be a factor in the race, but if he does run, he’ll be in with the crowd, not leading it.

One bark on “Dropping Fast

  1. Once again we have proof that for the Teahad, the Orthodox are unelectable and the electable are condemned for insufficient Orthodoxy.

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