Monday, October 14, 2013

The Needs of the One

Paul Krugman has a suggestion on how to get out of the shutdown.

Call it Dixiecrats in reverse.

Here’s the precedent: For a long time, starting as early as 1938, Democrats generally controlled Congress on paper, but actual control often rested with an alliance between Republicans and conservative Southerners who were Democrats in name only. You may not like what this alliance did — among other things, it killed universal health insurance, which we might otherwise have had 65 years ago. But at least America had a functioning government, untroubled by the kind of craziness that now afflicts us.

And right now we have all the necessary ingredients for a comparable alliance, with roles reversed. Despite denials from Republican leaders, everyone I talk to believes that it would be easy to pass both a continuing resolution, reopening the government, and an increase in the debt ceiling, averting default, if only such measures were brought to the House floor. How? The answer is, they would get support from just about all Democrats plus some Republicans, mainly relatively moderate non-Southerners. As I said, Dixiecrats in reverse.

The problem is that John Boehner, the speaker of the House, won’t allow such votes, because he’s afraid of the backlash from his party’s radicals. Which points to a broader conclusion: The biggest problem we as a nation face right now is not the extremism of Republican radicals, which is a given, but the cowardice of Republican non-extremists (it would be stretching to call them moderates).

In addition, the people who control this are far more worried about their own political future than they are about the economy and our standing in it.  They would rather see us default on our debt — after all, according to at least one genius it “would bring stability to the world markets” — than have John Boehner lose his speakership or lose his district in Ohio.

Or, Spock in reverse: The needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many.

One bark on “The Needs of the One

  1. I’m surprised that the brilliant Dr. Krugman came up with this pretty obvious solution to the problem. It’s been there all along, but it, too, is insoluble because all those so-called moderates fear the threat of being “primary-ed”. One bit of hope is that business interests, which are really look only their own interests not that of the masses, are muttering about funding challenges to the challengers, the Tea Party supported candidates who threaten the “moderates”. A Gordian knot if ever there was one.

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