Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Question of the Day

Sweet dreams…

Are you a restless or immobile sleeper? When you get up in the morning, does your bed look like a tornado hit it or barely slept in?

Mostly immobile here.  Or so I’m told…

HT to Julie.

5 barks and woofs on “Question of the Day

  1. Probably restless, but I can do some sleeping. My first 4-5 hrs. and atom bomb couldn’t wake me. The last 2-3 hrs. I am thrashing around dreaming heavy.

  2. Now that I’m a little bit old (67), I’m a restless sleeper. The joint pain (shoulder and knees) and lower back pain that I can sort of ignore during the day seems exacerbated when I’m still and quiet. So, I chock myself in with pillows and from the looks of the bed in the morning I suppose I never stop moving in my sleep.

  3. Recommendation #1 – take a couple of Aleve before retiring. This helps with the joint pain and is as effective as any of the aspirin substitutes.

    Recommendation #2 – if you’re really restless enough to cause you to drop off in midday you might need to check in with a sleep doc and get checked for sleep apnea. You don’t want to drive into a tree when you nod off behind the wheel. Danger there lies…

    Take all these old-lady suggestions from someone who has had experience with sleep issues and lives with a victim of apnea who now uses a C-Pac machine without fail.

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