Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Summer and Schvitz

ANTIQUE_FAN_1_734_800South Florida has two seasons: wet and dry.  The astronomical calendar has summer starting around the 21st of June.  Here the wet season starts about Memorial Day, followed soon thereafter by the start of the hurricane season, which lasts until the end of November.  The air temperature doesn’t vary a lot: it can be 90 in January and in July.  The difference is the moisture: not just the rains that come on a regular basis between May and November, but the humidity.  It keeps the orchids happy, but it can be trying if you want to keep your clothes from getting soaked by your own perspiration.

I’ve lived in temperate climates of northern Michigan, alpine climates such as the Rockies, the desert of New Mexico, and in between.  I appreciate them all: snowfall in Michigan is beautiful, the mountains are magnificent, and the colors of a New Mexico sunset are beyond belief.  But I like it here, too, and I don’t mind a little schvitz as long as the hurricanes go someplace else, preferably out over the Atlantic.  And you don’t have to shovel the heat.

One bark on “Summer and Schvitz

  1. Here in Southern Ohio we have just had a pretty intense thunderstorm that produced winds that turned cars over and took down trees. If you do not like the weather in Ohio, just wait a little while it will change.

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