Friday, September 18, 2015

Not So Safe

Jeb Safe Tweet 09-18-15Charlie Pierce:

I ran out of patience long ago with The Great Mulligan. C-Plus Augustus ignored the terrorist threat for nine months. He told his Attorney General to shift focus from counterterrorism to weed and porn. He told his National Security Advisor to worry about the Russians. He blew off a Presidential Daily Briefing and a CIA briefer. Then, on September 11, 2001, there were 3000 Americans who were not kept safe on his watch. He then stonewalled any real investigation of his negligence. He then launched a war of choice after allowing the architect of the attacks to go free. There were more than 4000 American soldiers who were not kept safe. And now his blithering brother suggests that time began on September 12, 2001. Scott Walker then chimed in about how it was all Barack Obama’s fault. Then there was Mike Huckabee, stressing the importance of “good intelligence” on formulating foreign policy. This would have been a good idea in, say, 2003, when Jeb(!)’s brother was cooking the books to start his pet war. But everybody cheered. Nobody called them on this. Nobody, except Rand Paul, had second thoughts on sending more American troops back into Iraq. But Donald Trump, whose combat experience is limited to punching out a music teacher in prep school, said that he thought the president lacked courage. I wouldn’t hire any of these guys as a crossing guard.

And then the Very Serious People wonder why voters are angry at the system and the Republicans blame the black guy for not playing with them.


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