Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Rallying The White Folks

Donald Trump is getting some help for his campaign from a likely source.

William Daniel Johnson, founder and treasurer for American National Super PAC, told TPM in a Monday phone interview that he plans to reach out to voters in both Iowa and New Hampshire with recorded messages trumpeting Trump’s anti-immigrant policies. TPM first reported on the robocalls Saturday after receiving a recording of the call from a reader in the Hawkeye State.

The robocall featured endorsements from Johnson, who is also the chairman of the white nationalist American Freedom Party; Jared Taylor, the founder of the white supremacist magazine American Renaissance and a spokesman for the Council of Concerned Citizens; and Rev. Donald Tan, a Christian radio host.

On the call, Taylor said that the U.S. should only accept “immigrants who are good for America.”

“We need smart, well-educated white people who will assimilate to our culture,” he said. “Vote Trump.”

And based on his past performance, I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for Mr. Trump to denounce or distance himself from this gang.  He’s been pitching for their support since he got into the race… no pun intended.