Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Wild Cards In Nevada

Things got ugly in Las Vegas last weekend.

What ensued at the Paris Hotel the following day was anything but honest and dignified and everything but respectful and constructive as dozens of Sanders delegates exploded in anger at what they called an anti-democratic attempt to steal the convention from them.

By the time hotel security shut down the event late Saturday evening, the Sanders delegates had hurled ugly epithets at Clinton surrogate Barbara Boxer, and used a sign to block her from being shown on big screens; screamed vulgarities at state Chairwoman Roberta Lange, who later received death threats after Sanders sympathizers posted her cell phone number and home address online; and threw chairs at the stage as they rushed forward to try to take control of a convention they had lost, just as Sanders was defeated at the Feb. 20 by Clinton in in a decisive result.

The next day, a group of Sanders supporters protested at the state Democratic Party headquarters and scrawled messages (‘Murdered democracy” and “You are scum” among them) on the outside walls and nearby sidewalks.

C’mon, Nevada Democrats: rioting, making threats, and petulant statements from a candidate about being mistreated is the Republicans’ shtick.

2 barks and woofs on “Wild Cards In Nevada

  1. No apology, no remorse from the candidate either. They threaten, indeed promise, to repeat the act in Philadelphia in July. We wuz robbed! they say. Change to rules to accommodate us. Help us defeat Hillary. This is Bernie’s revolution and the behavior of the candidate and his throng has turned off John Cole and me.

    • Ditto. I’m getting more and more fed up with the petulance and immaturity of the fringe BernieBots: Do you want any part of your program to happen? Then vote for the Democratic nominee. It’s not rocket science. Remember Ralph Nader? The man who gave us President Dubyah?

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