Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Hurricane Watch

We will find out later today if my office will be closed tomorrow (Thursday) because of the approach and passing of Hurricane Matthew.  As of this writing — early morning on Wednesday — Miami-Dade County is under a tropical storm watch, but just to the north of here, from Fort Lauderdale to Jacksonville, they are under a hurricane watch.  If you want to follow the preparation and the warnings, the Miami Herald has lifted their paywall portcullis for the duration.

Hurricanes are a messy business; they radiate wind and rain miles away from the center of the storm and in my previous brushes with them in 2005 (Katrina and Wilma) even being on the outer edge brings destruction.  The authorities tell us to stock up and make plans for hunkering down or evacuation.  I’ve followed their advice: both cars have full tanks, I’ve got cash, and I have enough water, canned soup, bread, peanut butter, and Nature Valley birdseed bars to last a week.  Oh, and yes, I did renew my renters insurance.

So we wait.

Update: School’s out early today and cancelled on Thursday and Friday.  Here in the office we cover our computers and monitors with garbage bags in case the roof leaks (which, in a hurricane, is the least of our worries). So someone said, “Get the bags,” and of course I replied, “Okay, you take the blonde and I’ll get the one in the turban.” [rimshot] (HT to “Young Frankenstein”)

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