Thursday, October 5, 2017

Poor Reception

So, how did Trump’s visit to Puerto Rico go?  To hear himself or his minions, he was treated like a rock star.  So he came to mingle with the peasants.  And he made a good show of pretending he liked it.  But in reality…

In a frequently abnormal afternoon on the island, Trump showed none of the scripted gravitas of his sombre Monday response to the massacre in Las Vegas. Speaking without notes, he behaved as if the ongoing crisis had long since been fixed by his own doing.

It was vintage Trump — informal, freewheeling, self-centred, detached from facts, wholly unlike the behaviour of any other modern president.

His supporters applauded again, pointing to his authenticity and moments of empathy. Puerto Ricans already upset with him before he landed were infuriated.

“He takes two weeks to visit a disaster zone where 3.5 million American citizens live. He arrives with a smile on his face, makes fun of the situation, shows no empathy, lies and lies on camera as he does 24-7. And then throws paper towel rolls to people in need as if he was playing Go Fetch with dogs,” said Joel Isaac, 27, a New York actor who moved from Puerto Rico three years ago.

Most of Isaac’s family is still on the island. He said he had never felt humiliated as a Puerto Rican until he watched Trump’s visit.

“It’s the whole scene where the privileged white man comes to save the brown peasants after they’ve been begging, thirsty and hungry. It’s super disgusting to see, honestly,” he said.

I honestly believe Trump found out that Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory last week.

3 barks and woofs on “Poor Reception

  1. Want to know the difference between Trump’s show of empathy to those who died or were wounded in Las Vegas? Brown people – not many of them at a country & western concert but a whole island of them in the ocean (so far away).

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