Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Doug Jones Wins

I love it when I’m wrong like this.

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — In a contest that received national attention, Democrat Doug Jones is the apparent stunning winner over Republican Roy Moore in the Senate race in this deeply red state, according to an NBC News projection.

It took an extraordinary alignment of events, including a sex scandal involving teenagers, for Alabamians to elect their first Democrat to the Senate in 25 years, but they triggered a political earthquake that will be felt far and wide.

With 99 percent of the vote in, Jones was leading 50-49 percent, or 641,173 votes to 631,613 votes.

The apparent result is a rebuke to President Donald Trump, who had endorsed Moore despite the misconduct allegations and in contrast to much of the Washington Republican establishment, which had opposed the Republican candidate.

Moore adamantly denied the allegations of sexual misconduct with underage girls decades ago, but the weight of the questions proved too difficult for him to overcome.

Stronger-than expected turnout, including from African-Americans, of more 1 million voters helped Jones.


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