Friday, December 11, 2009

Friday Blogaround

Happy Hanukkah to those of you who celebrate the Festival of Lights. Let’s see what lit up the LC this week.

A Blog Around The Clock: wireless brain-machine interfaces…
archy: no atheists need apply.
Bark Bark Woof Woof: Swiss terrorism.
Bloggg loves Bernie.
Dohiyi Mir: no such thing as too many sampics.
Echidne Of The Snakes goes with the Flow.
Florida Progressive Coalition Blog helps raise money for Young Democrats with the help of the GOP.
…I Am A Tree: the spirit moves me.
Left Is Right: your dollars and sense.
Pen-Elayne on the Web remembers a dear friend.
Rook’s Rant has reason to rant.
rubber hose and the debate of the decade.
Scrutiny Hooligans: it’s not real reform if it doesn’t end the need for this.
Steve Bates got snowed.
The Invisible Library has Christmas gift suggestions….
WTF Is It Now?? Jon Stewart is the gift that keeps on giving.

Stay warm if you’re in a cold place.