Thursday, August 8, 2013

For Your Amusement

Rep. Louis Gohmert of Texas, a perennial favorite of the whack-job circuit, is thinking about running for the Senate.  To do that, he’d have to beat Sen. John Cornyn in the primary.

Louie Gohmert for Senate? That’s what a number of Texas tea-party activists are hoping for. They’re not happy with Senator John Cornyn, and Katrina Pierson, who serves on the Texas Tea Party Caucus Advisory Board, tells me she’s heard from a number of activists pushing for the outspoken East Texas congressman to challenge the senator.

And JoAnn Fleming, the executive director of East Texas–based Grassroots America We The People, says she’s hearing the same thing. She knows Gohmert personally and says she’s had numerous activists tell her she should ask the congressman to run.

If nothing else, it would be fun to see John Cornyn try to be even more right-wing than he already is.

HT to LGM.

4 barks and woofs on “For Your Amusement

  1. Gohmert for Senate. Because Cronyn and Cruz aren’t crazy enough to represent the Sole Inhabitants of the Universe – um, Lone Star State.

  2. Go Louie! Once he wins the nomination, he can start planning the alumni reunion for the other Teaparty losers who helped GOPers lose seats in the last couple of elections.

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