Thursday, August 8, 2013

No Racism Here

Nice people.

Obama foes at one point sang, “Bye Bye Black Sheep,” a derogatory reference to the president’s skin color, while protesters like Deanne Bartram raised a sign saying, “Impeach the Half-White Muslim!” […]

Deanna Bartram, a 17-year-old University of Arizona student from Black Canyon City, lashed out at people who call her racist for not supporting Obama. She believes Obama supporters use the “race card” against her because they disagree with her political message.

“Obama is ruining American values. He is ruining the Constitution. He needs to go back to where he came from because obviously, he is a liar,” she said. “I am not racist. I am part Indian. Obama’s half Black, half White.”

“He’s 47 percent Negro,” shouted Ron Enderle, a 77-year-old Chandler resident who said that he and his son served as Marines and his grandson is currently serving in the Marines. […]

Judy Burris said that she blames Obama for racism in America reaching heights not seen since the 1960s Civil-Rights Era.

“We have gone back so many years,” she said. “He’s divided all the races. I hate him for that.”

But the Republicans claim that it’s the liberals who are the real racists.  So there.

4 barks and woofs on “No Racism Here

    • I totally agree. I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I recognize a mental problem when I hear it. Having the childhood that I had, you really can pinpoint a problem.

  1. Judy Burris said that she blames Obama for racism in America reaching heights not seen since the 1960s Civil-Rights Era.

    She’s right. After all it’s entirely his fault for having the audacity to run for and be elected president twice.

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