Monday, June 2, 2014

Ted Cruz Thinks You’re Stupid

It’s been a while since we’ve heard from the next president from Canada, so let’s get an update.

The last time we heard much from him, he was trying to blame last October’s government shut-down that he engineered on the Democrats and President Obama.  That was after he found out that it had blown up in his face on the magnitude of a Wiley Coyote plot to catch the Roadrunner.  But now he is saying that the Republicans can campaign on it.

“Let me tell you right now, I am convinced we are going to retake the United States Senate in 2014,” Cruz told the crowd to raucous applause. But beyond just sharing that positive outlook, Cruz wanted to delve into the reasons behind Republicans’ increased political favor. “Why are so many Democrats running terrified?” he asked.

The “most compelling reason,” according to Cruz, is Obamacare. He then turned to the fight that he led last year to stop the “abomination” that is the Affordable Care Act, which, after a troubled rollout, has helped more than 8 million Americans gain health insurance.

If you listen to Democrats and the media, which Cruz implied are the same thing, “they will tell you that fight last fall accomplished nothing.” He may have failed to stop Obamacare from becoming law, but as Cruz said, “Not every war is won in a single battle.”

He thinks you won’t remember who led the charge to shut ‘er down and blame it on the Democrats.  He thinks you won’t remember that it was all about defunding a law that was already on the books and already funded.  He thinks that you don’t know that  there are such things as YouTube.

I think it would be a great idea for the Republicans to remind us that they did everything they could to the detriment of everything else that needed to get done in the House and the Senate, to try to repeal Obamacare.  Please proceed, Senator.

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