Monday, September 1, 2014

Labor Day

Charlie Chaplin, Modern Times

Having grown up in a union town that was near a large city that relied on union labor, I’ve come to the conclusion that most of the people who most hate unions are folks who think that it is unconscionable that workers should have the same rights as the managers and the owners of the company. How dare they demand a living wage and safe working conditions. Who do they think they are?

Yeah, yeah; in every large group there are bad apples and examples of bad faith and extremism. Welcome to the human race. The Republicans hold the unions up as the boogeyman of the Western world and label them as thugs… and give tax breaks to the corporations because they know that if they don’t, the corporations will kneecap them. Not literally; they’ll just stop giving them money, which, in corporate circles, is thuggery. The people who whine about “class warfare” always turn out to be the ones who are winning the war.

Perhaps one of the reasons that union membership is down is that unions have accomplished a lot of what they set out to do 100 years ago. Factories are safer, working hours are reasonable, wages are better than the minimum, and pensions provide some security. The unions have learned, however awkwardly, to accept that they have been successful, but they also know that if some people had their way in the world, they would turn back to clock to 1911, put children to work, take away the healthcare, and demand more production. After all, it works for the Chinese, and look how they’re doing.

By the way, not all union workers are Democrats; they certainly weren’t were I grew up. A lot of them are hardcore Republicans or conservatives — including police officers — who don’t care about the politics; they just want to be treated fairly. And a lot of people who are not union members are working under union contracts; in most places there is no requirement to join a union to benefit from their efforts. So while actual union membership may be down to 15%, the number of people who are part of the union is far greater. That includes public sector jobs as well as private. So the next time someone feels the urge to union-bash, be sure you’re not peeing in your own campfire.

Full disclosure: I am a dues-paying member of a union of sorts; I belong to the Dramatists Guild. It provides services for writers and lyricists and makes sure that when our works are produced, we have a fair contract and get paid our royalties. The joke among us is that we don’t go on strike; we just get writers’ block.

3 barks and woofs on “Labor Day

  1. Diane Rehm was exchanging thoughts today with three professors in a discussion of “The Grapes Of Wrath”. She suggested that every member of Congress should receive a copy. The story is of California’s bread basket, but could be about the meat-packing industry in Nebraska,or the rice fields of Texas, or the orange groves of Florida. The book is more powerful than the movie. The theme is how cruel were the working conditions in the ’30’s when the migrants, the Other, were whites. Now they’re Mexican migrants and and even with the heroism of Cesar Chavez in the grape orchards, ittle has changed. We close our eyes.

  2. What I love are the dyed-in-the-wool-anti-unionists… who take full advantage of their union benefits. We have two cops here in town who hate unions, and say they are “destroying our country” (along with “the n*gger-in-chief”)… yet they put in for every minute of overtime, and are constantly filing grievances, and are sure they take full advantage of the medical, prescription, vacation, paid training, comp time, and every other benny they can find.

    • We might know one of the same cops…I have an acquaintance who’s a cop, who bashes unions every chance he gets. When it’s pointed out that he’s a union member, he argues that it’s not a union, it’s a “brotherhood”.

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