Monday, December 15, 2014

Legal v. Moral

Justice Antonin Scalia told a Swiss radio interviewer that the Constitution doesn’t explicitly prohibit torture.

The 78-year-old justice says he doesn’t “think it’s so clear at all,” especially if interrogators were trying to find a ticking nuclear bomb.

Scalia says nothing in the Constitution appears to prohibit harsh treatment of suspected terrorists.

The Constitution doesn’t explicitly prohibit the mass murder of school children with assault rifles, either, yet I’m pretty sure that the people who wrote it were not in favor of it.  The Eighth Amendment does rule out “cruel and unusual punishment,” but to Justice Scalia, “rectal feeding” must be neither.  Okay….

Even if you accept his reasoning, just because something is legal doesn’t make it right.

3 barks and woofs on “Legal v. Moral

  1. What do you reckon is wrong with Scalia?

    It can’t be genuine stupidity. Is it venality? Excessive intellectual ‘cuteness’? He confounds me.

  2. He is a totally obnoxious arrogant and evil man who will get his punishment at some point. There is no escaping Karmal Hope I am alive to see him unravel.

  3. Our laws prohibit torture, including treaties to which the US is a signatory. So it’s illegal whether the Constitution explicitly forbids it or not. End of discussion.

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