Wednesday, July 20, 2016


He died fourteen years ago today. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of him and miss him. There’s still that worn spot on the bedspread where he slept, and I still make room for him on the bed.

Sam BW 11-26-03

February 1, 1989 – July 20, 2002

6 barks and woofs on “Sam

  1. I’m sorry for your loss, those years ago.

    I guess from your post you never got another furry friend. We soothed our losses with more rescues. 16 cats over 45 years, so far. And 7 wonderful dogs. Everyone was either a gift from friends or a serious rescue. Great friends, every one.

    I think of every one of them from day to day, and often cry a little.

    Take care Bobby!

    Your Balloon-juice friend,
    JR in WV

  2. Thank you for sharing this pain. Love pets sooo much, but when they pass.
    Now excuse me I have to get a tissue!

  3. It is so hard to lose a friend. We lost Barney in ’97 and Sprocket and Missy 3 days apart in ’10 and Slim Shady last Aug. I figure it is a race to see if Izzy outlives me and Russ.

  4. Awww Sam was a cutie! We have always assuaged our grief with new animals, but I remember when my childhood dog passed, my dad said no more. He said no new pet could take the place of our Gigi (who was a very good dog, indeed). Hope you are remembering the happy times with your pup today, MB.

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