Tuesday, March 14, 2017

No Sympathy

Set it to music, Pat.

Former Gov. Pat McCrory says the backlash against House Bill 2 is making some employers reluctant to hire him but he’s currently doing consulting and advisory board work.

McCrory has been appearing frequently in interviews with national media outlets to defend the controversial LGBT law, but he hasn’t announced what’s next for his career. In a podcast interview recently with WORLD, an Asheville-based evangelical Christian news website, McCrory talked about his challenges on the job market.

The former Republican governor says HB2 “has impacted me to this day, even after I left office. People are reluctant to hire me, because, ‘oh my gosh, he’s a bigot’ – which is the last thing I am.”

Pro tip: If you have to tell people you’re not a bigot, you probably are.

2 barks and woofs on “No Sympathy

  1. One would expect that Duke Energy will continue to “take care” of McCrory – if his self-pity doesn’t do him in first.

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