Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Closing the Deal

On Monday, the Miami Herald said that Barack Obama and Mitt Romney were tied in the Florida.  Not any more.

President Obama has grabbed a significant lead over Mitt Romney in Ohio and holds a slender edge in Florida, according to two new polls by The Washington Post, indicating that there are fresh hurdles in the way of the Republican challenger’s best route to victory in the Electoral College.

Among likely voters, Obama is ahead of Romney in Ohio 52 percent to 44 percent. In Florida, the president leads 51 percent to 47 percent, a numerical but not statistically significant edge. Among all registered Florida voters, Obama is ahead by nine percentage points.

Not only are they crucial states for the winner, both states played parts in deciding recent elections.  More than a few people think John Kerry would be finishing his second term had it not been for some slight-of-hand in Ohio in 2004, and, well, we all know what happened in Florida in 2000.

Wouldn’t it be ironic if these two states closed the deal for Obama?

4 barks and woofs on “Closing the Deal

  1. All the wisdom out there is that there is no path to victory for Romney if Obama takes Florida. If O takes Fla, any other swing state, no matter how small, means an Obama win. Romney would have to run the table to stop Obama.

  2. Since I live in Ohio, this amazes me! We did turn blue in the last presidential election and I would be happy for it to happen again. Romney is not the answer, he is the problem.

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