Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Snap Out of It

If I read one more post from some pearl-clutching hand-wringing liberal that the election is over because Mitt Romney got a small bump in the polls, I’m going to get pissed off.  And I…  well, wait, this guy does it far better than I can.  (Oh, and if you’re a sensitive sort that doesn’t like the F-bomb and other emphatic language used to good effect, skip on over to LOLCats for the duration.)

Liberals, you need to get your goddamn shit together.  The President lost a debate. He didn’t lose Texas. For four years, this President has faced off one of the most obstructionist parties in modern American political history. He did this in the center of an economic collapse. He has delivered on too many promises to count, even in the dead heat of this. He’s been running ahead in an election where the opposition was fairly incompetent, where the leading opposition candidate told half the country to go fuck themselves with a stolen rusty tire iron. He has one debate where the opposition is competent, and that’s it. You’re done. You have bad polling days, and you’re done. Let’s just call off the election and use that time to apply for foreign passports. I mean, holy shit, what a bunch of spineless bastards you turned out to be.

What he said.  Not only that, all this weeping and wailing only keeps the meme alive that President Obama is in the tank.  His approval rating is at 53%, the highest it’s ever been, and progressives are running away from him like he was a skunk in heat.

The Republicans are counting on Democrats being like that.  They build it into their strategy.  Win a debate, get a bump up in a poll and let the Democrats carry on like a guinea hen in a hurricane (see Sullivan, Andrew).

Get your shit together. Because you can’t afford not to, because you are better than this, because you need the resolve of the last four years. You have been beaten the fuck down by all the monstrosities there are. Now is not the time, a month away from an election between a man who has helped us fight and a man who would continue to bludgeon us, to panic. Now is the time to stand, with the fire you need to get through this pulsing through your corroded arteries and your over-extended gut, with the conviction of your principles, and fight for this President the way he’s fought for us. Not because he’s got this, but because he might not. Because now, he might need you. Because we might need you. So please, calm the fuck down, get your goddamn shit together and fight for this because for once, it means something that you do more than talk shit.

In short:

One bark on “Snap Out of It

  1. Uh, yeah! Democratic/liberal/progressives beat Obama about the head on a daily basis and many, if not most, throw up their hands in defeat when things get close. The nasty people may be ignorant, willfully stupid, and malign but they certainly keep fighting to the bitter end and then some!

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