Monday, March 21, 2016

Annals of Asshattery

President Obama is in Cuba and doing all the things that presidents do on a visit to a country for the first time, including visiting monuments.  In Cuba that means going to a memorial to some of their heroes.  And that provides his furies with something to lose their collective shpadoinkle over.

Conservative websites jumped on the opportunity to criticize the President for posing in front of the infamous image of Guevara, which is based off a picture taken in 1960. called it a “gem of a picture,” while The Washington Examiner wrote that the picture created a “fresh wave of fury.”

The Drudge Report splashed the photo across its homepage with the caption “Mission Accomplished.”

Barack Obama

Oh, get a grip.  Did they go nuts when this picture was taken and splashed around the world?

Reagan Lenin 03-21-16

Or this:

Bush Mao 03-21-2016

Um, I’m guessing no.

3 barks and woofs on “Annals of Asshattery

    • It should be. And, btw, that building which has Che’s “imgage” is blocks away from where they were standing, As Charlie Brown would say: Good Grief!!!!

  1. On Democratic Underground there is a pic of “w” also,too in front of a sculpture?,.but I don’t know who it is.
    Bob, how UNfortunate it is for US that hypocrisy isn’t fatal!!!!

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