Thursday, May 1, 2008

Florida Legislature Doesn’t “Believe”

Hard-core Christians in Florida who want to show everyone looking at the rear end of their car that they believe will have to make do with a bumper sticker or a Jesus fish.

A license plate that would have become the first in the nation to prominently feature a religious symbol is unlikely to be on the road any time soon after state lawmakers did not include it in a bill Tuesday.

The plate, which included an image of a Christian cross, stained-glass window and the words “I Believe,” is not in legislation passed late Tuesday that’s now headed to the governor.

Opponents of the plate said approving it would result in a court challenge because it violated the separation of church and state and gave the appearance the state was endorsing a particular religious preference.

Aside from the obvious lawsuit bait, it’s not like Florida needs another special plate to go with the 110 or so that we already have that support every cause from sea turtles to junior golf. (I’m still holding out for the one supporting “Lesbians for the Metric System”.)

I know it’s hard to believe, but not every proposed specialty plate passes. While the “Choose Life” plate is still out there, the legislature rejected a pro-choice plate in 2007. But at least they didn’t pass the one celebrating Confederate heritage.

Update: Stephen Colbert pitches for the plate:

HT to SFDB and Incertus.