Sunday, April 2, 2006

Sunday Reading

  • Will the last person to leave the Harris campaign please turn off the lights?

    Katherine Harris’ U.S. Senate campaign lost what was left of its core team when a top adviser, campaign manager, and communications director resigned this weekend.

    Harris, a Republican congresswoman challenging incumbent Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson, said Saturday she would introduce new members of her campaign early in the week.

    “We are stronger as a campaign today than we were yesterday,” Harris said in a press release.

    Harris said her campaign has lined up people who believe in her candidacy, are committed, and support the “values of mainstream Florida citizens.”

    Former campaign manager Jim Dornan, who resigned in November, said, “She had the best people in the country. She can’t get any better than that.

    “This is a campaign that is spiraling downward by the minute,” he said, adding she should drop out of the race.

  • President Bush’s handlers have a new strategy: play to his strength.

    As he takes to the road to salvage his presidency, Bush is letting down his guard and playing up his anti-intellectual, regular-guy image. Where he spent last year in rehearsed forums with select supporters, these days he is more frequently throwing aside the script and opening himself to questions from audiences that are not prescreened. These sessions have put a sometimes playful, sometimes awkward side back on display after years of trying to keep it under control to appear more presidential.

    Call it the let-Bush-be-Bush strategy. The result is a looser president, less serious at times, even at times when humor might seem out of place. Aides used to dread such settings, worried about gaffes or the way Bush might come across in spontaneous exchanges. But with his poll numbers somewhere south of the border, they concluded that Bush handles back-and-forth better than he once did — and that they have little left to lose.

    That’s a great idea if you’re shopping out a sequel to King Ralph, but now that he’s got us into a war of his own invention, sunk the treasury into record debt, run roughshod over the Bill of Rights, and convinced two-thirds of the country’s voters that he’s not doing a very good job, trying to win back support by coming across as a playful doofus isn’t exactly the best idea.

  • Indiana makes up for lost time.

    For the first time in decades, the entire state of Indiana joined Ohio and Michigan and 45 other states and 70 nations at 2 a.m. today in turning its clocks forward one hour. Arizona and Hawaii don’t observe daylight-saving time.

    Here’s a brief history of Daylight Saving Time.

    By the way, next year (2007) it starts on the second Sunday in March and ends on the first Sunday in November.

  • Go Gators.