Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Blazing Bushies

The more I read about Vice President Dick Cheney’s behind the scenes maneuvering in running the White House and the country, even, on occasion, going against the president’s wishes (only to convince him later of his inevitable rightness), the more I’m reminded of Blazing Saddles.

That’s right; the 1974 Mel Brooks classic send-up of the Western that starred Gene Wilder and Cleavon Little. But it’s not their roles that come to mind. Rather, it’s the idiot territorial Governor William J. Le Petomaine (played by Mr. Brooks) and his evil and conniving assistant Hedley Lamarr, played by Harvey Korman. While the governor sat around his office and played with his toys and his secretary, Lamarr was plotting the take-over of Rock Ridge.

Of course, in the movie, the people defeat the evil Hedy Hedley Lamarr and everybody rides off into the sunset…in a Cadillac limousine. Too bad this administration isn’t a movie — then we could all walk out on it.

(H/T to Blog of the Moderate Left for the picture.)