Friday, July 20, 2012

Shooting in Colorado – Updated

Via the Denver Post:

Fourteen people were killed and about 50 were injured early Friday when shots rang out at an Aurora movie theater during a premiere showing of the new Batman movie.

A suspect in is custody and an apartment building in north Aurora connected to the suspect was being evacuated and searched for possible explosives, according to Police Chief Dan Oates.

Oates said there was no evidence of a second suspect, but the man in custody had made a statement about possible explosives in his resident.

Ten people died at the scene and four others died at hospitals.

It is way too early to know anything at all about the suspect or motives, and it would be really irresponsible to speculate about them.

But you can be sure that before sundown the NRA will be out with a fund-raising letter saying that this horrible event will be just the excuse the Obama administration will use to take away all our guns.

Update – 9:00 AM ET: The Denver Post is reporting that the death toll has been reduced to 12 and that the suspect has been identified.

A 24-year-old man in is custody and an apartment building in north Aurora connected to the suspect was being evacuated and searched for possible explosives. Several federal sources identified the suspect as James Holmes, NBC reported.

FWIW, both President Obama and Mitt Romney released statements.